Love of mother is incomparable:
Mother ( in value inculcation)
Mothers are the first educators, the first mentors; and truly it is the mothers who determine the happiness, the future greatness, the courteous ways and learning and judgement, the understanding and the faith of their little ones. Mothers can be the primary agents for empowering individuals to transform society.The reasons for her existence in a child's life is endless and it applies to the entire living world of humans and animals. The connect of children with mothers seems to be eternal as this bond starts way before birth. If we go to jot down the list of reasons that make moms so important, then it might seem endless, but we have listed five most crucial reasons why a mother is so important for a child.
1. Mother's love is unconditional:- One look in a mother's eye for her child and we come to realise the meaning of unconditional love. Though we all have become a pro with words and can exactly convey our emotions, expressing a mother's love in words is still very difficult. For a mother, a child always remains her baby even if he turns 60 or becomes a tycoon, a leader or a thinker. Mothers hold this strong aspect of loving their children in any phase of life or situation. This unconditional love of mothers is what makes them so special for every child.
2. Mothers are the 1st teachers:-For a child, the process of learning starts right from the birth or even before it. We all know that during pregnancy mothers are told to read good books, listen to soothing music and so on. They do this because though the child is still to face the world, but the baby already develops a connection with the world through the mother. Later, the baby is acquainted with the world, 1st by their mothers and later by others. Whatever the language, caste or custom, every baby learns to call his/her mother first. "Mother, ma, amma" is the first word that comes out from the baby's mouth. A mother teaches her child everything that she knows right from talking, walking to living a fulfilling life. She is also the one who disciplines and educates a child for a better living.
3. Mothers give hope:-If it weren't for mothers, this world would sound pretty hopeless. It is a fact that life is filled with varied experiences and some of them are not so good. A child faces these situations right from the start, but it is the mother who, with her love, care and comfort assure that in the end good always prevails. Through her eyes and confidence, a child can always see the light on the other side of the tunnel. Whether facing exams, competitions or the hardships of life, children always seek guidance and support from their mothers first.
4. Mothers know their children inside out:-
For a mother, her child is an open book. She knows her child like no other. Whatever the child feels, mother knows it, and nothing remains hidden from her. She is the best judge of her child's personality, and she makes sure that the child is treated and disciplined accordingly. Knowing her child's interests and needs, she accommodates new changes for the betterment and overall development of her child. E.g. enrolling the child in activities like swimming, dancing, drawing, changing school and the pattern of learning to name a few.
5. Mothers are foundations and pillars:-We all need that someone on whom we can fall back on in times of crisis, especially emotional ones. What better than the arms of a mother where all the problems, insecurities and negative feelings come to a standstill. A child always needs the support of the mother, be it any phase of life like going to school, marriage, having a baby. She is the one who acts like a strong pillar on which a child can depend.
After alI we won't mention love that your mother has for you (this is the purest form of love & there can't be any comparison) or your father or sister or brother has for you. That love is beyond everything. Apart from all these, Love is : -
When you break her heart, make her cry but she still loves you.
When you get mad at her, scold her, get angry on her but she doesn't complain.
When you disappoint her, don't live upto her expectations but she doesn't feel bad & continues to love you.
When you keep making mistakes but she has no complaints.
When you disrespect her & she is still OK with it.
When you bring in all the negativity in her life, but she still calls herself lucky to have found you.
When you make a big deal out of nothing & she still prays from God for your success & prosperity.
When you bring tears to her eyes & don't even care but still she wipes her tears out, smiles & loves you even more.
When you break your promise & she doesn't feel bad for it.
When you make her give up a lot of things & she gladly gives them up for you.
When you tell her you don't like this or that & she immediately stops those things.
When you know that she is the most beautiful girl ever on this earth & you are not even average looking, she finds you the most handsome boy & is crazy for your looks.
When you know that you don't deserve her. You know she deserves a person far better than you, but she chooses to be with you & only you.
When you know that you have not given her any happiness but she finds immense happiness when she is with you.
When you don't get to meet or talk to her quite often, she desperately awaits you, your text messages, your phone calls, your pings in IM apps.
When you don't gift her special things & she calls you the greatest & the most special gift.
When you know you have made a mess of your relationship but she pulls you back saying nothing has happened.
When you don't deserve any chance & she keeps on ignoring your mistakes.
When every other person starts hating you & she gives you a tight hug & tells you that you are her world.
When you know no one liked you & stood by you but she found you to be the most charming & special person in her life.
When you are a subject of someone's prayers.
When you become a part of someone's dreams.
She is not your family member. She hasn't known you for long. She hasn't spent time with you. But she loves you from bottom of her heart. If this is not love, I don't know what love is.
I have already mentioned that I am not including love between a mother & her children or among various family members. That love has no comparison & no one else can take that place.
We can never pay back for whatever a mother has done and continues to do for us but we all should try to love the way she does. All we can do is reciprocate the same love and affection just the way she does. Though a mother will never ask anything in return for her love, care and protection, we can always make her feel special with small and sweet gestures. So if you are thinking of making her feel special, take Mother's Day or her birthday as an opportunity to tell her how important she is to you. Express your love with pink flowers, and she is sure to appreciate
Thanking you all
Ladies and gentlemen
Thanks for being with me
And before I rape up I would say ,
Stay foolish to learn something at every point of time ,.
Till then
Happy learning